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Fact Sheet

Landmark, widely recognized as the industry leader for personal training and development, delivers programmes and training that make a significant difference in those aspects of people’s lives that they care about most.

February 1991

More than 600 worldwide

Landmark is an employee-owned company. The election of board members is held annually.

Financial Information
In 2017, Landmark’s revenue reached over $95 million. The company is organized and operated to invest its surpluses into making its programmes, initiatives, and services more widely available.

More than 700 extensively trained leaders worldwide

More than 3 million from around the world

More than 125, including cities in the United States, Australia, India, Israel, Japan, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and other locations

Landmark and its subsidiaries hold memberships in the following professional associations and organizations:

  • American Society for Training and Development
  • International Society for Performance Improvement
  • American Management Association
  • Academy of Management

353 Sacramento St., Ste. 200
San Francisco, CA 94111

The Landmark Forum
The Landmark Forum for Young People
The Landmark Forum for Teens
Special Introductions to The Landmark Forum
Advanced Course
Evening Seminars

Communication Courses
Self-Expression and Leadership Programme
Wisdom Courses Landmark Personal Coaching
The Family Coaching Session
Assisting and Leadership Programmes

Breakthrough Methodology
Landmark’s methodology and the results it has produced make Landmark a leader and innovator in the field of personal and professional growth, training and development. Based on a methodology and ideas originally developed by Werner Erhard, Landmark has evolved its unique breakthrough methodology through years of continuous research and development.